How Do Heading Tags Affect SEO?

Regarding search engine optimisation, heading tags are an efficient method to help your site get more visitors and improve the user experience. From H1 to H6, these HTML parts give your content order and meaning. This makes it easier for search engines and people to understand your website.

Understanding Heading Tags

What Are Header Tags?

Header tags are HTML elements that define headings or subheadings within your content. They are used to structure the content hierarchy of your webpage, with H1 being the most important (typically used for the main title or headline) and H6 being the least important.

Why Are Header Tags Important?

  1. SEO Benefits: Search engines like Google can read your header tags and figure out what your page is about and how it fits into the bigger picture. This can change the results that you get.
  2. User Experience: Header tags make your content more readable and scannable, helping users quickly find the information they want.
  3. Content Organisation: They help you organise your content into digestible sections, similar to a table of contents in a book.

Best Practices for Using Header Tags!

Provide Clear Structure

Using header tags can help you organise your content properly. Your H1 should provide the main idea, and the subsequent headers (H2, H3, etc.) should break the text down into smaller ideas.

Break Up Text with Subheadings

For readers, lengthy text passages might be intimidating. To divide your text into more digestible, smaller pieces, use subheadings. This enhances readability and aids in search engine optimisation.

Include Keywords

While stuffing keywords into your headers is not recommended, including relevant keywords can help search engines understand the context of your content. Use keywords naturally and only when it makes sense.

Optimise for Featured Snippets

Structured content, including well-optimised header tags, can increase your chances of appearing in featured snippets. These highlighted boxes at the top of Google’s search results provide quick answers to users’ queries.

Use Only One H1

While HTML technically allows for multiple H1 tags on a page, using only one is best practice. This helps maintain a clear hierarchy of content and improves readability.

Keep Header Tags Consistent

Consistency is vital in web design. To maintain a professional and cohesive look, use the same formatting (e.g., font size, style) for your header tags across your website.

Make Your Header Tags Interesting

While the primary purpose of header tags is to provide structure, they can also grab users’ attention. Craft engaging and descriptive headers that entice users to continue reading.


On-page SEO from Wixdek optimises your website for search engines. These programs let you generate SEO-friendly URLs that boost website exposure and user experience. Wixdek’s On-Page SEO services include URL optimisation. Good SEO tactics include employing relevant keywords and concise, descriptive URLs to increase your website’s rating. On-page SEO from Wixdek also simplifies URL structure for search engines and users. Use hyphens to separate text and prevent superfluous URL parameters and symbols. Overall, Wixdek’s On-Page SEO services may help you design URLs optimised for search engines and improve your website’s user experience.