What Are Heading Tags In SEO?

When it comes to managing online content for search engines and people alike, heading tags are essential. These HTML elements, known as H1, H2, H3, and so on, help organise your content and impact your website’s SEO performance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the significance of heading tags, how to use them effectively, and best practices to follow.

Maximise SEO with Header Tags

Header tags, or heading tags, differentiate headings and subheadings within a webpage. They are hierarchical, with H1 being the most important and typically used for the page’s title. The hierarchy then descends through H2, H3, and so on, indicating the importance of each subsequent heading.

H1 Tags: The Main Title

The H1 tag is like a book title. It should be unique, descriptive, and contain relevant keywords. This tag helps users and search engines understand the page’s main topic.

H2 Tags: Subheadings

H2 tags are used for subheadings that break down the main content into sections. These should also be descriptive and contain keywords related to the content of that section.

H3 Tags and Beyond Further Subdivisions

H3, H4, and subsequent tags are used for further subdivisions within the content. They help organise information into smaller, more digestible chunks, improving readability and user experience.

Importance of Header Tags for SEO

Header tags are essential for SEO for several reasons.

  1. Keyword Relevance: Search engines use header tags to determine the context and fit your content for specific queries. Increase your chances of ranking for such queries by using relevant keywords in your headers.
  2. Content Structure: Users and search engines are more likely to comprehend organised material correctly. Header tags facilitate content organisation and navigation.
  3. User Experience: Users find structured and straightforward material to be more engaging. Header tags facilitate more effortless reading and speedy information retrieval for users.
  4. Crawlability: Header tags help search engine crawlers browse and comprehend your page’s content. Headings with the proper structure may help with the indexing and crawlability of your website.

How to Use Header Tags Effectively

To make the most of header tags for SEO, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use H1 Tags for Main Titles Only: Each page should have only one H1 tag containing the page’s main title.
  2. Use H2-H6 Tags for Subheadings: Use these tags to organise your content into sections and subsections. Make sure to use them hierarchically (e.g., H2 followed by H3, H4, etc.).
  3. Include Keywords Naturally: Use relevant keywords in your headings, but avoid keyword stuffing. Make sure the headings read naturally and provide value to the reader.
  4. Keep It Concise: Headings should be concise and descriptive. Aim to convey the main idea of the section in a few words.
  5. Use CSS for Styling: Use CSS to style your headings rather than relying on header tags for visual formatting. This ensures consistency across your site.


Wixdek’s On-Page SEO services include professional header tag advice to optimise website exposure and user experience. For SEO and content organisation, header tags assist search engines grasp content structure and relevancy. Follow our suggestions to optimise header tags for maximum impact. Header tags boost search engine rankings and make material more readable and entertaining. Optimise your header tags and content strategy using our On-Page SEO services to increase your website’s SEO.